Sum of Ranks

WCA data from 2024-11-15

# Name Sum
1 Martin Vædele Egdal 1586
2 Tommy Cherry 1774
3 Luke Garrett 1796
4 Ryan Pilat 2092
5 Carter Kucala 2197
6 Firstian Fushada (符逢城) 2207
7 Theo Goluboff 2485
8 Stanley Chapel 2532
9 Ng Jia Quan (黄佳铨) 3180
10 Zeke Mackay 3182
11 Noah Swor 3260
12 Max Siauw 3473
13 Oliver Fritz 3744
14 William Jensen 3846
15 Sameer Aggarwal 3944
16 Ben Baron 4262
17 Daniel Partridge 4548
18 Daniel Wallin 4656
19 Evan Liu 5612
20 Francisco Moraes Mandalozzo 5748

What is Sum of Ranks (SoR)?

Sum of Ranks is one way of measuring a cuber's overall performance rather than measuring just one event. To compute a Sum of Ranks, we simply add up the cuber's rank in each event. It is possible to compute a cuber's Sum of Ranks at a global level, continental level, and national level.

What does my Sum of Ranks mean?

Lower scores are better. For example, since the world record holder is ranked 1st in the world, their rank for that event is 1.

Alternatives to Sum of Ranks

Sum of Ranks is just one way to measure the all-round abilities of a cuber. If you want to know your Kinch score, you can visit our Kinch Ranks page as well.

Different methods will have different tradeoffs, and not everyone agrees on which is better. That's why we provide multiple ways to measure your all-round abilities.